DBA Doctor of Business Administration programme

Doctor en Administración de Empresas (Dr.)

Dual Degree programme of Universidad Azteca & UCN Universidad Central de Nicaragua

The entry requirements are a graduate degree of at least 240 ECTS credits in total, an MBA, MSc, or similar Masters degree, or equivalent qualifications in general management, or in a functional field by examination awarded by a professional body. We may also ask for significant experience in a managerial or professional supervisory position involving responsibility for strategic issues.

DBA candidates may specialize in areas such as management science, technology management, organizational behavior, economics, or finance or other practical fields.

Both, the DBA and PhD in Business Administration are terminal degrees. The degree of Doctor of Business Administration, abbreviated DBA and equivalent to a PhD in Business Administration, is a research doctorate in business administration. The DBA requires coursework and research beyond the Masters degree requiring a dissertation or journal publication that contributes to business practice. The portion of the programme, consisting of coursework and examination, is equivalent to that of a PhD. The part of the programme, consisting of independent research and the writing of a thesis, is geared towards more applied research in DBA programmes, with the research making a direct contribution to business practice. The DBA requires a significant thesis, dissertation or final comprehensive project including a formal defence and approval by nominated examiners or an officially sanctioned and qualified doctoral review committee. The PhD aims at the creation of new theory, while DBA aims at applying theory to business problems; thereby, the DBA programme has two purposes: (1) to contribute to both theory and practice in relation to business and management; and (2) to develop professional practice and to contribute to professional knowledge. The degree is conferred when all coursework, testing, and written research are completed and reviewed and approved by the jurors of the examination commission.

DBA Doctor of Business Administration programme

Doctorado en Administración de Empresas (Dr.)

Dual Degree programme structure:


Period of coursework: 120 ECTS credits (2 study years) - degree awarded by Universidad Azteca: MBA Master of Business Administration (intermediate degree) - transfer of credits from the MBA programme to the DBA programme is possible in the extent of 120 ECTS credits

Doctoral Thesis: 60 ECTS credits (1 study year) - degree awarded by UCN: DBA Doctor of Business Administration / Doctor en Administración de Empresas