EnvStud 780 – Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
Integrated environmental assessment(IEA) is increasingly recognised as an important technique for managing the environmental impacts of human actions. It may be defined as the interdisciplinary process of identification, analysis and appraisal of all the relevant natural and human processes, which affect the quality of the environment and environmental resources. The objective of IEA is to facilitate the framing and implementation of optimal policies and strategies, accounting for both environmental effects and other priorities (e.g. cost constraints).
Course Lecturer: Gerhard Berchtold, PhD
ECTS credits: 6
Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
A catalogue of methods and tools
Prepared by:
Despo Fatta and Stephan Moll
European Topic Centre on Waste and Material Flows
Project manager:
Dimitrios Tsotsos
European Environment Agency
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ISBN: 92-9167-577-6
European Environment
Integrated environmental assessment (IEA) is increasingly recognised as an important technique for managing the environmental impacts of human actions. It may be defined as the interdisciplinary process of identification, analysis and appraisal of all the relevant natural and human processes, which affect the quality of the environment and environmental resources. The objective of IEA is to facilitate the framing and implementation of optimal policies and strategies, accounting for both environmental effects and other priorities (e.g. cost constraints). Two points worth emphasising about IEA are that it is:
• practical — the purpose is to facilitate making decisions;
• comprehensive — all relevant aspects, which might affect the decision, should be incorporated.
IEA can help managers and decision makers to:
• solve environmental planning and management problems;
• improve their understanding of environmental conditions;
• design protective or remedial strategies (EEA, 1998).
Integrated assessment tools are needed to assess policy-making.
- Teacher: Gerhard Berchtold
- Teacher: Peter Hodecek