EnvStud 786 – Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Waste
This corse aims at facilitating the implementation of an environmentally sound waste management policy by governments on one hand, and by waste treatment facilities on the other hand.
Every element of the Recommendation C(2004)100 is explained in detail, as well as the different core performance criteria which characterise environmentally sound management of waste, through various types of information (such as technical, financial, regulatory). Waste management practices applied in certain member countries are presented as examples.
Course Lecturer: Gerhard Berchtold, PhD
ECTS credits: 6
Guidance Manual for
the Implementation of the
OECD Recommendation C(2004)100
Environmentally Sound Management
(ESM) of Waste
Following the adoption of Council Recommendation C(2004)100 in 2004 on Environmentally Sound Management of Waste, member countries wished to reinforce the implementation of this legal Act by issuing a practical Guidance Manual.
This publication aims at facilitating the implementation of an environmentally sound waste management policy by governments on one hand, and by waste treatment facilities on the other hand.
Every element of the Recommendation C(2004)100 is explained in detail, as well as the different core performance criteria which characterise environmentally sound management of waste, through various types of information (such as technical, financial, regulatory). Waste management practices applied in certain member countries are presented as examples.
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- Teacher: Gerhard Berchtold
- Teacher: Peter Hodecek