ACS 531- Family Issues & Addictive Disorders (3 credit hours)


ACS 531

Professor: Dr. George Gonzalez, Ph.D.



This course is designed to provide you with a thorough background in the techniques and theories of family issues and addictive disorders.  Additionally, family therapy stretching from initial intake to termination will be examined to give you a broad view of how therapy changes over the course of treatment.

EXAMINATIONS: After reading the course material then you can take the test.

GRADING: The grading scale for this course is as follows:

91-100%    = A
81-90%      = B
71-80%      = C
Below 70% = Failed


The student will have a greater understanding in the family model of assessing marriage and family issues.
The student will have a greater understanding in the family model of the development, implementation and evaluation of interventions when counseling marriages and families.
The student will have a greater appreciation of what occurs prior to and what prompt a family to seek counseling.
The student will have an understanding of what is involved in conducting an initial interview with their client.
The student will have a greater understanding of the assessment process.
The student will have a greater understanding of how to focus counseling so subsequent sessions meet the client’s needs.
The student will gain greater interviewing/treatment skills and be able to tailor interventions to meet the client’s needs.
The student will gain greater understanding about how counselor services are provided based on whether they are serving an entire family, a couple or if one of the members has mental illness issues.
The student will have a greater understanding of how to become unstuck in counseling and what is involved in the final termination of services.
To gain a greater understanding of the counseling theories and methodology as they apply to marital counseling.
Explore the process of family counseling from the initial session to the final termination of services.