Professor: Dr. George Gonzalez, Ph.D.


COURSE OVERVIEW: This course will introduce you to the basic statistics used in psychological research. Psychology has developed scientific methods to explore questions about humanity and this course will introduce you to the statistics used to interpret and evaluate research findings. This is an introduction to the use of scientific methods in psychology and to the statistical analysis of data. Attention is given to descriptive, correlational, and inferential statistical methodology. The goal is to provide you with a foundation to continue your training in psychology and to think critically about psychological findings reported in research articles and the media. Research Methods in Advanced Statistics for Psychology. Understand, apply and evaluate research methods in Psychology, including research design, advanced data analysis and interpretations, and the appropriate use of terminology.  Design basic studies to address psychological questions: frame research questions; formulate hypotheses; operationalise variables; choose an appropriate methodology and data analysis technique; analyse data and interpret results appropriately; and write interpretations and research reports.


In this course, you will learn about various mathematical techniques that are commonly used by researchers to organize, summarize, and interpret the results obtained from their studies. During the course you will learn how to perform these different statistical procedures and understand the specific purpose each procedure serves. The goal of this course is to provide students with the basic principles of analysis of variance, and with the basic principles of designing experiments. Topics will include between-subject, within-subject, mixed and nested designs, random factors, constructing contrasts, orthogonal contrasts, polynomial trends, simple effects, and multiple comparisons. At the end of the course, we will cover dummy coding for multiple regression analysis of nonorthogonal designs in order to establish the relationship between anova and multiple regression.